Tutorial: U-M cryoET workshop 2024 ==================================== This is a tutorial document prepared for the University of Michigan cryo-ET workshop in June of 2024. As with the previous tutorial, this document walks through processing 70S ribosomes from the dataset EMPIAR-10499. This tutorial is therefore mostly redundant with the previous tutorial, though the previous tutorial describes tomoDRGN processing in more conceptual terms while this tutorial is more tailored to reproduce specific results we report in the tomoDRGN manuscript. This tutorial is tailored to the compute environment at U-M, and uses many precomputed results available on EMPIAR and Zenodo. For new users: we recommend following the previous tutorial, and are including the U-M tutorial here primarily for documentation. .. warning:: The precomputed results from Zenodo used in this tutorial are only compatible with the version of tomoDRGN released at publication (v0.2.2). These files are not compatible with more updated versions of tomoDRGN. However, they may still be useful as a conceptual guide / workflow reference. .. pdf-include:: ../_static/workshop_tomodrgn_commands_v5.pdf