Filter a .star file by selected particle or image indices, optionally per-tomogram
import argparse
import copy
import os
from typing import Literal
import warnings
import numpy as np
from tomodrgn import starfile, utils
log = utils.log
def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser | None = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
if parser is None:
# this script is called directly; need to create a parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
# this script is called from tomodrgn.__main__ entry point, in which case a parser is already created
parser.add_argument('input', help='Input .star file')
group = parser.add_argument_group('Core arguments')
group.add_argument('--starfile-type', type=str, default='imageseries', choices=('imageseries', 'volumeseries', 'optimisation_set'),
help='Type of star file to filter. Select imageseries if rows correspond to particle images. Select volumeseries if rows correspond to particle volumes. '
'Select optimisation_set if passing in an optimisation set star file.')
group.add_argument('--action', choices=('keep', 'drop'), default='keep', help='keep or remove particles associated with ind.pkl')
group.add_argument('--tomogram', type=str, help='optionally select by individual tomogram name (if `all` then writes individual star files per tomogram')
group.add_argument('--tomo-id-col', type=str, default='_rlnMicrographName', help='Name of column in input starfile with unique values per tomogram')
group.add_argument('-o', required=True, help='Output .star file (treated as output base name suffixed by tomogram name if specifying `--tomogram`).'
'The output star file name must contain the string `_optimisation_set` if the input star file is of --starfile-type optimisation_set')
group = parser.add_argument_group('Index-based filtering arguments')
group.add_argument('--ind', help='selected indices array (.pkl)')
group.add_argument('--ind-type', choices=('particle', 'image'), default='particle', help='use indices to filter by particle (multiple images) or by image (individual images). '
'Only relevant for imageseries star files filtered using ``--ind``')
group = parser.add_argument_group('Class-label-based filtering arguments')
group.add_argument('--labels', type=os.path.abspath, help='path to labels array (.pkl). The labels.pkl must contain a 1-D numpy array of integer class labels '
'with length matching the number of particles referenced in the star file to be filtered.')
group.add_argument('--labels-sel', type=int, nargs='+', help='space-separated list of integer class labels to be selected (to be kept or dropped in accordance with ``--action``)')
return parser
def check_args_compatible(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
# only one of --ind or --labels can be specified
if args.ind is not None:
assert args.labels is None, 'Cannot specify both `--ind` and `--labels-labels`'
elif args.labels is not None:
assert args.ind is None, 'Cannot specify both `--ind` and `--labels-labels`'
# if --ind-type is image, --ind must be specified
if args.ind_type == 'image':
assert args.ind is not None, 'Filtering with --ind-type image is only supported when filtering with --ind'
# if --labels is provided, number of selected labels must be greater than 0
if args.labels is not None:
assert len(args.labels_sel) > 0
def filter_image_series_starfile(star_path: str,
ind_path: str,
labels_path: str,
labels_sel: list[int],
ind_type: Literal['particle', 'image'] = 'particle',
ind_action: Literal['keep', 'drop'] = 'keep') -> starfile.TiltSeriesStarfile:
Filter an imageseries star file by specified indices in-place.
:param star_path: path to image series star file on disk
:param ind_path: path to indices pkl file on disk
:param labels_path: path to labels pkl file on disk
:param labels_sel: space-separated list of integer class labels to be selected (to be kept or dropped in accordance with ``ind_action``)
:param ind_type: should indices be interpreted per particle (multiple images, i.e. multiple rows of df) or per image (individual images, i.e. individual row of df)
:param ind_action: are specified indices being kept in the output star file, or dropped from the output star file
:return: filtered TiltSeriesStarfile object
# load the star file
star = starfile.TiltSeriesStarfile(star_path)
ptcl_img_indices = star.get_ptcl_img_indices()
log(f'Input star file contains {len(ptcl_img_indices)} particles consisting of {len(np.hstack(ptcl_img_indices))} images.')
# establish indices to drop
if ind_path:
ind = utils.load_pkl(ind_path)
# determine the appropriate set of indices to pass to .filter to be preserved
if ind_type == 'particle':
if ind_action == 'drop':
# invert indices on particle level (groups of rows)
ind_ptcls = np.array([i for i in range(len(ptcl_img_indices)) if i not in ind])
elif ind_action == 'keep':
ind_ptcls = ind
raise ValueError
ind_imgs = None
# validate indices
assert ind_ptcls.max() < len(ptcl_img_indices), 'A supplied index exceeds the number of unique particles detected'
assert ind_ptcls.min() >= 0, 'A supplied index is negative (which is not a valid index)'
assert len(set(ind_ptcls)) == len(ind_ptcls), 'An index was specified multiple times (which is not supported)'
elif ind_type == 'image':
if ind_action == 'drop':
# invert indices on image level (individual rows)
ind_imgs = np.array([i for i in np.hstack(ptcl_img_indices) if i not in ind])
elif ind_action == 'keep':
ind_imgs = ind
raise ValueError
ind_ptcls = None
# validate indices
assert ind_imgs.max() < len(np.hstack(ptcl_img_indices)), 'A supplied index exceeds the number of images detected'
assert ind_imgs.min() >= 0, 'A supplied index is negative (which is not a valid index)'
assert len(set(ind_imgs)) == len(ind_imgs), 'An index was specified multiple times (which is not supported)'
raise ValueError
elif labels_path:
labels = utils.load_pkl(labels_path)
# validate labels pkl
assert len(labels) == len(ptcl_img_indices), f'The length of the labels array ({len(labels)} does not match the number of particles in the star file ({len(ptcl_img_indices)})'
# validate selected labels
labels_sel = list(set(labels_sel))
for label_sel in labels_sel:
assert label_sel in labels, f'The selected label {label_sel} was not found in the supplied labels array'
# generate ind_sel from labels_sel
ind_sel = np.asarray([i for i, label in enumerate(labels) if label in labels_sel])
# determine the appropriate set of indices to pass to .filter to be preserved
if ind_action == 'drop':
# invert indices on particle level (groups of rows)
ind_ptcls = np.array([i for i in range(len(ptcl_img_indices)) if i not in ind_sel])
elif ind_action == 'keep':
ind_ptcls = ind_sel
raise ValueError
ind_imgs = None
ind_imgs = None
ind_ptcls = None
warnings.warn('Neither --ind nor --labels was specified, continuing without filtering to a subset of particles')
# apply filtering
log(f'Filtered star file has {len(star.get_ptcl_img_indices())} particles consisting of {len(star.df)} images.')
return star
def filter_volume_series_starfile(star_path: str,
ind_path: str,
labels_path: str,
labels_sel: list[int],
ind_action: Literal['keep', 'drop'] = 'keep') -> starfile.GenericStarfile:
Filter a volumeseries star file by specified indices in-place.
:param star_path: path to volume series star file on disk
:param ind_path: path to indices pkl file on disk
:param labels_path: path to labels pkl file on disk
:param labels_sel: space-separated list of integer class labels to be selected (to be kept or dropped in accordance with ``ind_action``)
:param ind_action: are specified indices being kept in the output star file, or dropped from the output star file
:return: filtered GenericStarfile object
# load the star file
if starfile.is_starfile_optimisation_set(star_path):
star = starfile.TomoParticlesStarfile(star_path)
ptcl_block_name = star.block_particles
df = star.df
star = starfile.GenericStarfile(star_path)
ptcl_block_name = star.identify_particles_data_block()
df = star.blocks[ptcl_block_name]
log(f'Input star file contains {len(df)} particles.')
# establish indices to drop
if ind_path is not None:
ind_ptcls = utils.load_pkl(ind_path)
if ind_action == 'drop':
ind_ptcls_to_drop = ind_ptcls
elif ind_action == 'keep':
# invert indices on particle level (individual rows)
ind_ptcls_to_drop = np.array([i for i in df.index.to_numpy() if i not in ind_ptcls])
raise ValueError
# validate indices
assert ind_ptcls.max() < len(df), 'A supplied index exceeds the number of unique particles detected'
assert ind_ptcls.min() >= 0, 'A supplied index is negative (which is not a valid index)'
assert len(set(ind_ptcls)) == len(ind_ptcls), 'An index was specified multiple times (which is not supported)'
elif labels_path is not None:
labels = utils.load_pkl(labels_path)
# validate labels pkl
assert len(labels) == len(df), f'The length of the labels array ({len(labels)} does not match the number of particles in the star file ({len(df)})'
# validate selected labels
labels_sel = list(set(labels_sel))
for label_sel in labels_sel:
assert label_sel in labels, f'The selected label {label_sel} was not found in the supplied labels array'
# generate ind_sel from labels_sel
ind_sel = np.asarray([i for i, label in enumerate(labels) if label in labels_sel])
# determine the appropriate set of indices to pass to .filter to be preserved
if ind_action == 'drop':
ind_ptcls_to_drop = ind_sel
elif ind_action == 'keep':
# invert indices on particle level (individual rows)
ind_ptcls_to_drop = np.array([i for i in df.index.to_numpy() if i not in ind_sel])
raise ValueError
ind_ptcls_to_drop = np.array([])
warnings.warn('Neither --ind nor --labels was specified, continuing without filtering to a subset of particles')
# apply filtering
df = df.drop(ind_ptcls_to_drop).reset_index(drop=True)
star.blocks[ptcl_block_name] = df
log(f'Filtered star file contains {len(df)} particles.')
return star
def main(args):
# log inputs
# check that selected arguments are mutually compatible
# filter using the appropriate type of star file
if args.starfile_type == 'imageseries':
star = filter_image_series_starfile(star_path=args.input,
ind_action=args.action, )
elif args.starfile_type == 'volumeseries' or args.starfile_type == 'optimisation_set':
star = filter_volume_series_starfile(star_path=args.input,
ind_action=args.action, )
raise ValueError('Unknown starfile type')
# write the filtered star file
# apply further filtering to the specified tomograms and write corresponding star files
if args.tomogram:
# first find the block containing particle data and ensure the specifed column for tomogram ID is present
tomo_block_name = star.identify_particles_data_block(column_substring=args.tomo_id_col)
if args.tomogram == 'all':
# write each tomo's starfile out separately
tomos_to_write = star.blocks[tomo_block_name][args.tomo_id_col].unique()
# alternatively, specify one tomogram to preserve in output star file
tomos_to_write = [args.tomogram]
for tomo_name in tomos_to_write:
# filter a copy of the star file to the requested tomogram name
star_copy_this_tomo = copy.deepcopy(star)
star_copy_this_tomo.blocks[tomo_block_name] = star_copy_this_tomo.blocks[tomo_block_name][star_copy_this_tomo.blocks[tomo_block_name][args.tomo_id_col].str.contains(tomo_name)]
# write the star file
print(f'{len(star_copy_this_tomo.blocks[tomo_block_name])} rows after filtering by tomogram {tomo_name}')
if args.o.endswith('.star'):
outpath = args.o.split('.star')[0]
outpath = args.o
if __name__ == '__main__':