Source code for tomodrgn.pose
Classes and functions to retrieve and optionally update image poses (defined as rotations and translations) via neural networks backpropogation.
from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from tomodrgn import lie_tools, utils, starfile
class PoseTracker(nn.Module):
A class to track and optionally update rotations (and optionally translations) describing the alignments of a stack of 2-D projection images in relation to a 3-D reference frame.
def __init__(self,
rots_np: np.ndarray,
trans_np: np.ndarray | None = None,
boxsize: int = None,
emb_type: Literal['s2s2', 'quat'] | None = None):
# initialize the parent class
# assign essential class attributes
rots = torch.tensor(rots_np).float()
trans = torch.tensor(trans_np).float() if trans_np is not None else None
self.rots = rots
self.trans = trans
self.use_trans = trans_np is not None
self.boxsize = boxsize
# define the type of embedding used to encode rotations and translations
self.emb_type = emb_type
if emb_type is None:
# no embedding used; individual rotations are returned as fixed 3x3 rotation matrices, translations are returned as fixed 1x2 offsets
self.rots_emb = None
self.trans_emb = None
# embeddings used: translations can be returned from learnable nn.Embedding lookup table mapping 1x2 offset to 2-D embedding
if self.use_trans:
trans_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=trans.shape[0], embedding_dim=2, sparse=True)
trans_emb = None
# embeddings used: rotations can be returned from learnable nn.Embedding lookup table mapping 3x3 rotation matrix to 6-D or 4-D embedding (s2s2 or quat)
if emb_type == 's2s2':
rots_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=rots.shape[0], embedding_dim=6, sparse=True)
elif emb_type == 'quat':
rots_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=rots.shape[0], embedding_dim=4, sparse=True)
raise RuntimeError(f'Embedding type {emb_type} not recognized')
self.rots_emb = rots_emb
self.trans_emb = trans_emb
def load(cls,
star: starfile.TiltSeriesStarfile,
boxsize: int,
emb_type: Literal['s2s2', 'quat'] | None = None):
Return a PoseTracker instance given a particle imageseries star file.
:param star: loaded and pre-filtered imageseries star file
:param boxsize: box size of input images in pixels
:param emb_type: type of embedding for SO(3) rotation matrices if refining poses
:return: PoseTracker instance
# rotations
euler = star.df[star.headers_rot].to_numpy()
rot = np.asarray([utils.rot_3d_from_relion(*x) for x in euler])
# parse translations (if present)
if all(header_trans in star.df.columns for header_trans in star.headers_trans):
trans = star.df[star.headers_trans].to_numpy()
trans = None
return cls(rots_np=rot,
def save(self,
out_pkl: str) -> None:
Write poses to a pickle file.
Particularly useful if learning poses (i.e., emb_type is not None).
Writes poses as tuple of arrays: (euler1, euler2, euler3) in units of degrees, and (shift_x, shift_y) in units of box size fraction
:param out_pkl: path of output pkl file to write
:return: None
if self.emb_type == 'quat':
r = lie_tools.quaternions_to_SO3(
elif self.emb_type == 's2s2':
r = lie_tools.s2s2_to_SO3(
r = self.rots.cpu().numpy()
if self.use_trans:
if self.emb_type is None:
t = self.trans.cpu().numpy()
t =
t /= self.boxsize # convert from pixels to extent
poses = (r, t)
poses = (r,)
utils.save_pkl(data=poses, out_pkl=out_pkl)
def get_pose(self,
ind: int | np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Get the (optionally embedded) rotations and translations of the images at specified indices
:param ind: index or indices (numpy array or torch tensor) of images for which to return rotations and translations
:return: rotations as 3x3 rotation matrices shape(len(ind), 3, 3); rotations as 1x2 translation matrices (shape len(ind), 2) or None
if self.emb_type is None:
rot = self.rots[ind]
tran = self.trans[ind] if self.use_trans else None
elif self.emb_type == 's2s2':
rot = lie_tools.s2s2_to_SO3(self.rots_emb(ind))
tran = self.trans_emb(ind) if self.use_trans else None
elif self.emb_type == 'quat':
rot = lie_tools.quaternions_to_SO3(self.rots_emb(ind))
tran = self.trans_emb(ind) if self.use_trans else None
raise RuntimeError # should not reach here
return rot, tran