- scatter_annotate_hex(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, centers_xy: ndarray | None = None, centers_ind: ndarray | None = None, annotate: bool = False, labels: list | None = None, **kwargs: Any) FacetGrid [source]#
Create a hexbin plot with optional annotations for each cluster center and corresponding label.
- Parameters:
x – array of x coordinates to plot
y – array of y coordinates to plot
centers_xy – optionally an array of x,y coordinates of cluster centers to superimpose, shape (nclusters, 2). Mutually exclusive with specifying centers_ind.
centers_ind – optionally an array indices indexing x and y as the cluster centers to superimpose, shape (nclusters). Mutually exclusive with specifying centers_xy.
annotate – whether to annotate the plot with text labels corresponding to each cluster center
labels – list of text labels for each cluster center
kwargs – additional keyword arguments passed to seaborn.jointplot
- Returns:
matplotlib figure