
make_plots(resolution: ndarray, fscs: ndarray, fsc_metrics: ndarray, epochs: ndarray | list, outdir: str, plot_format: Literal['png', 'svgz']) None[source]#

Save an array of standard plots characterizing homogeneous volume model training convergence.

  • resolution – array of resolution values in units 1/px and shape (boxsize // 2)

  • fscs – array of FSC curves with shape (len(vol_paths), boxsize // 2)

  • fsc_metrics – array of FSC metrics with shape (3, len(vol_paths)): resolution crossing FSC 0.143, resolution crossing FSC 0.5, integral under FSC before 0.143 crossing

  • epochs – list of epochs being evaluated and saved

  • outdir – output directory in which to save plots

  • plot_format – file format with which to save plots

