
write_mapback_script(df_one_tomo: DataFrame, outdir_one_tomo: str, vol_paths: list[str], rots_cols: list[str], coords_cols: list[str], mode: Literal['volumes', 'volume', 'markers'], vol_boxsize: int, vol_angpix: float, vol_render_level: float, marker_radius_angstrom: float, star_angpix: float) None[source]#

Write a .cxc ChimeraX command file to map back all particles specified in df_one_tomo to source tomogram positions using the specified rendering mode and coloring scheme.

  • df_one_tomo – volumeseries star file particles dataframe containing metadata for only one tomogram’s particles

  • outdir_one_tomo – output directory to save .cxc file

  • vol_paths – list of paths to particle volumes to be loaded and mapped back to tomogram positions

  • rots_cols – list of column headers specifying Euler angles for how to orient particles in tomogram

  • coords_cols – list of column headers specifying tomogram-level coordinates for how to place particles in tomogram

  • mode – particle rendering mode for mapback

  • vol_boxsize – box size of particle volumes (units: px). If mode == ‘markers’, treated as box size 1 px.

  • vol_angpix – pixel size of particle volumes (units: Å/px). If mode == ‘markers’, treated as vol_angpix 0

  • vol_render_level – isosurface threshold to render volumes in ChimeraX

  • marker_radius_angstrom – if mode == ‘markers’, sets ChimeraX marker radius in Ångstrom

  • star_angpix – pixel size (Å/px) in star file when referencing particle tomogram coordinates or particle translations

