
fsc_referencevol_to_manyvols(reference_vol: str, vol_paths: list[str], fsc_mask: Literal['sphere', 'tight', 'soft', 'none'] | str | None, include_dc: bool = False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]#

Calculate the Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between one reference volume and many query volumes.

  • reference_vol – path to the reference volume on disk

  • vol_paths – list of paths to the query volumes on disk

  • fsc_mask – type of real space mask to apply to each volume, determined using the reference volume. Sphere is a binary spherical mask inscribed within the volume cube. Tight is a binary mask determined at the 99.99th percentile of the volume. Soft is a soft (non-binary) mask created by dilating the tight mask 3 pixels and applying a further 10 pixel falling cosine edge. None or ‘none’ (note the string) both result in no mask being applied to the volume.

  • include_dc – Whether to return the full array of frequencies and FSCs, or truncate the DC component prior to returning the array.


array of resolution values in units 1/px and shape (boxsize // 2); array of FSC curves with shape (len(vol_paths), boxsize // 2); array of FSC metrics with shape (3, len(vol_paths)): resolution crossing FSC 0.143, resolution crossing FSC 0.5, integral under FSC before 0.143 crossing.