
validate_particles_for_rendering(mode: Literal['volumes', 'volume', 'markers'], vols_dir: str | None = None, vol_path: str | None = None, num_ptcls_this_tomo: int | None = None) tuple[int, float, list[str]][source]#

Validate that particle volumes can be found for volume-based rendering modes. Also sets box size and pixel size of particles for mapback.

  • mode – particle rendering mode for mapback

  • vols_dir – if mode == ‘volumes’, should point to directory containing pre-generated volumes for only one tomogram’s particles

  • vol_path – if mode == ‘volume’, should point to pre-generated single consensus volume

  • num_ptcls_this_tomo – number of particles to be mapped back in this tomogram. Should match the number of .mrc files found within vols_dir.


box size of rendered particles (units: px), pixel size of rendered particles (units: Å/px), list of particle volumes to load from disk for mapback