- class Lattice(boxsize: int, extent: float = 0.5, ignore_dc: bool = True, device: device | None = None)[source]#
Return a binary mask for self.coords which restricts coordinates to a centered circular lattice
Return a 2-D lattice of coordinates representing a downsampled (fourier-cropped) copy of the original lattice.
Return a binary mask for self.coords which restricts coordinates to a centered square lattice
Resample a stack of images on the lattice grid rotated in-plane counterclockwise by a batch of theta angles.
Translate an image by phase shifting its Fourier transform.
Translate an image by phase shifting its Hartley transform H'(k) = cos(2*pi*k*t0)H(k) + sin(2*pi*k*t0)H(-k) img must be 1D unraveled image, symmetric around DC component
- get_circular_mask(diameter: int) Tensor [source]#
Return a binary mask for self.coords which restricts coordinates to a centered circular lattice
- Parameters:
diameter – number of grid points to include in the mask along each dimension
- Returns:
binary mask, shape (lattice.boxsize ** 2)
- get_downsample_coords(boxsize_new: int) Tensor [source]#
Return a 2-D lattice of coordinates representing a downsampled (fourier-cropped) copy of the original lattice.
- Parameters:
boxsize_new – number of grid points along each dimension in the downsampled lattice. Should be odd.
- Returns:
coordinates of the downsampled lattice, shape (boxsize_new ** 2, 3)
- get_square_mask(sidelength: int) Tensor [source]#
Return a binary mask for self.coords which restricts coordinates to a centered square lattice
- Parameters:
sidelength – number of grid points to include in the mask along each dimension
- Returns:
binary mask, shape (lattice.boxsize ** 2)
- rotate(images: Tensor, theta: Tensor) Tensor [source]#
Resample a stack of images on the lattice grid rotated in-plane counterclockwise by a batch of theta angles.
- Parameters:
images – stack of images to rotate, shape (B,Y,X)
theta – batch of angles in radians, shape (Q)
- Returns:
rotated images, shape (B,Q,Y,X)
- translate_ft(images: Tensor, trans: Tensor, mask: ndarray | Tensor | None = None) Tensor [source]#
Translate an image by phase shifting its Fourier transform. F’(k) = exp(-2*pi*k*x0)*F(k) Note: shape img_dims below can either be 2D or 1D (unraveled image)
- Parameters:
images – fourier transform of image, shape (B, img_dims, 2)
trans – shift in pixels, shape (B, T, 2)
mask – optional mask for lattice coords (img_dims, 1)
- Returns:
translated images, shape (B, T, img_dims, 2)
- translate_ht(images: Tensor, trans: Tensor, mask: ndarray | Tensor | None = None) Tensor [source]#
Translate an image by phase shifting its Hartley transform H’(k) = cos(2*pi*k*t0)H(k) + sin(2*pi*k*t0)H(-k) img must be 1D unraveled image, symmetric around DC component
- Parameters:
images – hartley transform of image, shape (B, boxsize_ht)
trans – shift in pixels, shape (B, T, 2)
mask – mask for lattice coords, shape (boxsize_ht, 1)
- Returns:
translated images, shape (B, T, boxsize_ht**2)