- analyze_z_multidimensional(z: ndarray, outdir: str, plot_format: Literal['png', 'svgz'], vg: VolumeGenerator, starfile_path: str, source_software: str, datadir: str | None = None, skip_vol: bool = False, skip_umap: bool = False, num_pcs: int = 2, pc_ondata: int = False, num_ksamples: int = 20, downsample: int | None = None, lowpass: float | None = None, flip: bool = False, invert: bool = False) None [source]#
Plotting and volume generation for multidimensional z
- Parameters:
z – array of 1-D latent embeddings, shape (nptcls, zdim)
outdir – directory in which to save all outputs (plots and generated volumes)
plot_format – file format with which to save plots
vg – VolumeGenerator instance to aid volume generation at specficied z values
starfile_path – path to star file used during model training through which to load images
source_software – type of source software used to create the star file, used to indicate the appropriate star file handling class to instantiate. Default of ‘auto’ tries to infer the appropriate star file handling class based on whether
is an optimisation set star file.datadir – path to particle images on disk, used when plotting images per kmeans class
skip_vol – whether to skip generation of volumes
skip_umap – whether to skip latent embeddings UMAP dimensionality reduction
num_pcs – number of principal components along which to generate volumes. If 0, then no PCA is performed
pc_ondata – whether to use the closest on-data latent point to each PCA axis trajectory for plotting and volume generation
num_ksamples – number of latent clusters to form by k-means clustering for plotting and volume generation
downsample – downsample reconstructed volumes to this box size (units: px) by Fourier cropping, None means to skip downsampling
lowpass – lowpass filter reconstructed volumes to this resolution (units: Å), None means to skip lowpass filtering
flip – flip the chirality of the reconstructed volumes by inverting along the z axis
invert – invert the data sign of the reconstructed volumes (light-on-dark vs dark-on-light)
- Returns: