- compute_ctf(lattice: Lattice, angpix: torch.Tensor, dfu: torch.Tensor, dfv: torch.Tensor, dfang: torch.Tensor, volt: torch.Tensor, cs: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, phase_shift: torch.Tensor = 0, bfactor: float = None)[source]#
Calculates the 2-D CTF given spatial frequencies per image and a batch of CTF parameters. Implementation of eq. 7 of with additional reference to jianglab/ctfsimulation
\[CTF = sin( -\pi * z * \lambda * |k|^2 + (π/2) * Cs * \lambda^3 * |k|^4 - ps )\]where
\[z = 1/2 * (𝑧_1 + 𝑧_2) + 1/2 * (𝑧_1 − 𝑧_2) * cos( 2 * ( 𝛼_k − 𝛼_z ) )\]and
\[ps = phase shift + arcsin(w)\]- Parameters:
lattice – Lattice object for accessing pre-calculated spatial frequency magnitude and angle from x-axis
angpix – pixel size in angstroms for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
dfu – defocus U in angstroms for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
dfv – defocus V in angstroms for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
dfang – defocus angle in degrees for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
volt – microscope voltage in kV for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
cs – sphrerical aberration in mm for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
w – amplitude contrast ratio for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
phase_shift – phase shift in degrees for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
bfactor – envelope function bfactor for each image, shape (nimgs, 1)
- Returns:
CTF evaluated at given spatial frequencies using input parameters, shape (nimgs, kx * ky)