- follow_candidate_particles(workdir: str, outdir: str, plot_format: Literal['png', 'svg'], epochs: ndarray, binned_ptcls_mask: ndarray, labels: str) None [source]#
Plot how the labeled set of particles migrates within latent space at selected epochs over training. Saves plot.{plot_format} tracking representative latent encodings through epochs and latent.txt of representative latent encodings for each epoch
- Parameters:
workdir – path to directory containing tomodrgn training results
outdir – path to base directory to save outputs
plot_format – file format with which to save plots
epochs – array of epochs for which to plot UMAPs
binned_ptcls_mask – binary mask of shape ((nptcls, n_local_maxima)) labeling all particles in the bin and neighboring 8 bins of a local maxima
labels – a unique letter assigned to each local maxima
- Returns: